This is Us. True Misamisnons.

This is us. True misamisnons.
Such a very nostalgic and gratifying historical account from an american. At the turn of the 20th century, an american civilization of misamis could have started in this era and thus, beautifully related in this poetic story. There were no names mentioned, but reading this, put us back in a time travel to our unique history.
This story certainly happened after the spanish visitors surrendered their authority over the philippine archipelago with the treaty of paris. The fort of cotta was found by the americans in state of abandonment.
It seems that before americans arrived along the shores of panguil bay, misamisnons showed more cultured mannerism and finesse, obviously an influences inherited or acquired from our spanish predeccessors.
A brass band with dressed up members welcomed the visitors with the sound of "a hot time" and "after the ball". A misamisnon woman was also depictedwith a beautiful harp, evidencing the misamisnons already loved music in the past.
By any and all account, the americans were never met by the misamisnons with resistance, bolos and spears. Neither, any war had erupted between americans and misamisnons through the passage of time.

Old Fort of Cotta

Native Brass Band

Misamisnon lady with a huge harp.

The american writer vividly recounted her experience with the Burnside ship to scout and survey the region of Misamis for the purpose of laying the cable and foundation for communication. Below is a nice local banca (sail ship with tall mast) in the panguil bay, which in modern times, doesn't exist anymore. 

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